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Dahlias to match the weather
Taratahi Ruby starting to bloom in the heat
Taratahi Ruby starting to bloom in the heat
For Mother’s Day last weekend, here in East Sussex, we picked tulips, scented narcissi, flowering currant, tonnes of anemones, rosemary, plum blossom, hornbeam and other foraged foliage. They all went …
Another one of the Dahlias we’ve grown for the first time this year and again certain to grow again. Not only are they lovely big flowers but also they seem …
It may look like a Photoshopped image but I promise it’s not. What it is, is another batch of Dahlias to South East Flowers who we’ve recently started supplying.
Anyone who used to follow me in the days of The London Daily Nature Photo ( ) will, I’m sure, remember my love of dragonflies. thus it’s nice to see …
At last a decent yellow Dahlia…..the wonerfully named Cabana Banana is now flowering profusely here.
This is one we’ve not grown before but I’m pretty sure we’ll be growing more of in future!
…arresting flowers, their velvety sheen is doing me in. Etc, etc.
The first of our Cafe au Lait Dahlias came into flower this week (about three weeks earlier than last year)…..I’m sure there will more.
….and shaking my confidence daily. Firey!