How to grow Anemones in 4 easy steps

Anemone Meron Bordeaux

The florist’s anemone, Anemone coronaria, grows from tubers, tall growing, with brilliantly coloured, late spring blooms that make good cut flowers. Anemones originate from Europe and the Mediterranean. All are perennial, dying back after flowering to become dormant through summer and autumn, regrowing the following spring. Anemone coronaria is best grown in a tunnel or in pots which you can move under cover for winter. These are Spring flowering plants not to be confused with Japanese anemones that flower in the late Summer and Autumn.

How to grow anemones

Buy dormant anemone bulbs (tubers or rhizomes) in autumn. Anemone flowers are beautiful in a range of situations.

Where to grow anemones

Anemone coronaria needs full sun and free-draining soil.

How to plant anemones

How to grow anemones - soaking anemone tubers before planting
How to grow anemones – soaking anemone tubers before planting

Plant anemone tubers as soon as possible after purchase, as they can dry out. Plant tubers of Anemone coronaria in spring. Soak them in water for around 10 hours prior to planting, then plant 5-8cm deep. Unlike most bulbs, it’s not obvious which way is up but don’t worry – the leaves find their own way up. Space them 10-15cm apart unless planting in containers where closer planting gives the best effects.

How to care for anemones

Anemones need little care apart from watering those growing in pots. leave anemone flowers to develop seed as they may self-seed to form large groups over time. In areas with cold, wet winters, lift and store the tubers of Anemone coronaria to replant the following spring, or grow them in pots which you can simply move under cover in autumn.