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Planting tulips
Are you planting tulips this year?
You’ve bought a pack of beautiful-looking tulip bulbs and now you’re unsure about when is the best time to plant them…
Here’s what I do.
The bulbs need 16 weeks of cold weather – preferably below 5 degrees centigrade to produce long-stemmed flowers
I keep them in a cold, dark shed well away from rodents until I’m ready to plant
Wait until after the 1st frost – that will cool down the soil and help to prevent the spread of ‘tulip fire’ – this virus is more likely to spread if the ground is warm.
You can read more about this virus on the RHS website
This means, in the UK, planting them towards the end of November or early December.
Don’t grow them in the same place for more than 3 years running.
Happy growing
PS My favourite tulip suppliers are Peter Nyssen, J Parkers and Bloms Bulbs. But be warned – they don’t just sell lovely tulips…