Flower Farming Workshops

“Bite-size” Flower Farming and Flower Growing

As the current covid restrictions mean that we can’t hold our Flower Farming and Flower Growing workshop here at our farm in East Sussex for the foreseeable future, we’ve decided to make it available virtually. The workshop would normally last a whole day but a whole day on a Zoom call is quite a challenge so we’ve split it into a series of ‘bite-sized’ Flower Farming workshops.
Each workshop will last between 1 and 1.5 hours and is a self-contained unit but they link together to provide a comprehensive introduction to flower farming. You can decide which ones you’d like to do – or join them all.
They are suitable for anyone who is thinking of making a career change to flower farming as well as those who have taken the plunge but want more information. They are £40 each or £225 for all six.
Any questions please call 07905 609878 or email me at zoe@orchardfarmflowers.co.uk

The list of workshops is below – buy them separately or altogether – Bite Size Flower Farming Workshops

Workshop 1. Customers and where to find them. Who will your customers be? Will you just sell locally or will you post flowers? Where are they and how will you decide which are the best for you and your business?  How will they order from you?
Thursday 25 February 2021 at 5.00pm GMT New date TBD

Workshop 2. What to grow. What plants produce the best cut flowers and how many to grow. Growing the right flowers for your customers – what do they want? Once you’ve worked out who your customers will be its important that you grow the flowers they want. What’s the best way of finding out?
Monday 1st March 2021 at 5.00pm GMT
New date TBD

Workshop 3. Growing, Harvesting & Post-harvesting This workshop will ensure you grow flowers of the highest quality and that they are cut and delivered professionally. You’ll be confident that what you’ve produced will be the best.
Thursday 4th March  2021 at 5.00pm GMT
New date TBD

Workshop 4. Pricing. How do you value your flowers, how do you price them for different customers, wholesale or retail? how much do they cost to produce?  This workshop will guide you through the process of answering these and other pricing questions.
Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 5.00pm GMT
Saturday 27th March at 5.00pm GMT

Workshop 5. Marketing and social media. How to market yourself and your flowers using a range of resources. Work out why people should buy from you.
Thursday 11th March 2021 at 5.00pm GMT
New date TBD

Workshop 6. Business Plans and record keeping. Business structures, business plans, cash flow forecasts, record-keeping – important aspects for any business.  Does the thought of this scare you? Are you going to do your own sales invoicing, prepare your accounts and tax returns, do your VAT returns (if applicable)? Making sure you have a viable and sustainable business.
Tuesday 16th March 2021 at 5.00pm GMT
New date TBD

These workshops will take place on Zoom in a small group (maximum of 15 participants) and will last approximately 60 minutes, including plenty of time for questions and answers. Following the session, participants will be sent workshop notes and a recording of the workshop. And as soon as we’re able we will organise a site visit for anyone who attends the workshop so you can see the farm in operation.

Please note that the on-line ordering page will ask for a date of delivery – just use any future date – its really built for flower orders. Thank you

Kind words:
Good value , right time of day and an hourish was good in terms of amount of info to take in.   I’ve done a few zooms and some are too long at 2 plus hours! Charts clear and again the right amount and sending on a recording is helpful too. Thanks again